Ars Supernova was born in spring 2022 from an idea by Daniele Patton and Thomas Lasca, with the intention of recording an album using the classic guitar trio format, but with a repertoire that diverges from the traditional jazz canons. To achieve this, they involved the young and talented Bolognese double bassist Filippo Cassanelli in the project. In May 2022, they entered the studio together for the first time to record Newstalgia, an album with multiple sonic and cultural facets.
The trio's name refers to the musical revolution that occurred around 1300 known as ars nova, which contrasted with the earlier ars antiqua through a series of stylistic and musical notation innovations. Therefore, the artistic goal of the trio is to translate musically diverse materials, stylistically and culturally, into a distinct sound characterized by meticulous sound, expression, and improvisation research.