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Mandozzi – Chiurchiù Duo

E una melodia dolce correva

The duo of Massimiliano Mandozzi (bass) and Stefano Chiurchiù (piano) is a project that emerged following the findings of an original research conducted by musicologist Paolo Peretti. The research focused on musical pieces written by composers from Marche, who, between the 19th and 20th centuries, drew inspiration from episodes of the Divine Comedy.

The vocal-instrumental pieces intone well-known passages from Dante's works such as the entire Canto I of the Inferno, the inscription on the gate of Hell, the episode of Count Ugolino, or the beginning of Canto VIII of the Purgatorio. 

There are also purely instrumental piano pieces, among which stands out a tormented Elegy inspired by Francesca da Rimini (Inferno, Canto V), and two short album leaves connected to passages from the Purgatorio: the question of free will, where the soul is compared to a maiden (from Canto XVI), and the graceful vision of Leah in the Garden of Eden (from Canto XXVII). 

The revision and adaptation of some pieces are done by Maestro Stefano Chiurchiù.

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